Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Little to the Left Please.....

Oh yaaaaaa.....that's the spot!

Andy will do anything for pets and affection. Here she is in the morning getting some lovin' from foster dad.

The other morning while I was in the office, Andy trotted on over and sat beside me. As I typed she kept bumping my arm with her nose "hello mom, stop working and please pet me!" - She was being so cute, how could I not ?!?!

We've been so proud of our Andy - the past 2 days in particular she has been choosing to spend more time with us, and less time in her crate.

Another big step.....She also went to the toybox, picked out a rope ball and started playing with it! Congratulations Andy, you're learning what its like to be a D-O-G!

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About Me

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Ottawa, ON, Canada
LOYAL Rescue Inc. is a foster-based rescue. While I live in Ottawa, there are many other foster homes across Ontario with special poochies up for adoption. I would encourage you to visit our site at for a complete list of LOYAL's adoptable pets!