Sunday, October 24, 2010

Welcome Rosie!

Rosie is simply the cutest little hound mix we have ever seen in the most delightful sized package! In the words of Goldilcocks "She's not too big, she's not too small...but she's juuuuuuust right!"

She has been here for a few hours already and I can't seem to get enough of this scrumptious face or those soft, droopy ears!

My first order of business when a new foster arrives is running them a lovely bubble bath with lots of soapy suds!

Rosie (who did not smell anything like roses) didn't really enjoy the experience, but she didn't put up a fuss either so I'm giving her an A+ for effort on bath time etiquette.

Rosie says "there is nothing like a good nap on a rainy afternoon"

We're going to keep you posted once she's had a chance to settle but we already know she's going to make somebody a fantastic pet.

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About Me

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Ottawa, ON, Canada
LOYAL Rescue Inc. is a foster-based rescue. While I live in Ottawa, there are many other foster homes across Ontario with special poochies up for adoption. I would encourage you to visit our site at for a complete list of LOYAL's adoptable pets!