Sunday, November 14, 2010

Congratulations Rosie!

Thanks to everyone who was rooting for me! I officially have a forever home to call my own as of TOMORROW! Yipee!

I have a new mom and dad AND my very own sister named Maggie to play with (who is also a rescued dog -how cool is that?!). We're going to get lots of playtime, walks and I hear I even have a cottage? I don't know what that is yet, but it sure sounds great!

Thank you to everyone who helped save my life. I truly never dreamed that life could ever be this good -I'm such a lucky girl! Arrrrroouuuuuu!

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About Me

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Ottawa, ON, Canada
LOYAL Rescue Inc. is a foster-based rescue. While I live in Ottawa, there are many other foster homes across Ontario with special poochies up for adoption. I would encourage you to visit our site at for a complete list of LOYAL's adoptable pets!